I Peed Once and Ate Nothing: The Hidden Struggles of Nursing

To provide optimal patient care, we must prioritize taking care of ourselves first.


As a nurse, the job demands a lot from you, leaving you physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. Are you interested in discovering simple self-care practices that can help improve your overall well-being at work and in your personal life? Read on to learn how you can plan and face the challenging demands of your long shifts in the healthcare industry.

Physical Stamina

It is important to have access to foods that provide energy and keep you full for longer periods of time during tiring shifts. Follow these simple steps to avoid skipping lunch, spending extra money on vending machines, and eating fast food.

  • Avoid artificial & processed foods high in sugar
  • Eat more whole fruits, vegetables & grains
  • Include lean protein
  • How many meals & snacks do you typically eat?
  • Pack breakfast, lunch & dinner if necessary.

As a nurse, finding time to use the bathroom can be challenging. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water can help prevent mood swings, reduce brain fog, and prevent overeating. Additionally, increasing your water intake will prompt you to take more frequent bathroom breaks. So, prioritize hydration and make these minor adjustments.

Set reminders on your watch or phone.

Work with your fellow nurses to rotate taking trips to the bathroom.

Working long hours on your feet can be tiring, but it doesn’t have to be painful. With a few simple tips and affordable items, you can alleviate discomfort and keep going strong. Don’t let sore legs and feet hold you back. Take care of yourself and keep pushing forward.


    • Find shoes with adequate support and cushioning.
    • Stretch before, during, or even after your shift.
    • Wear knee-high compression socks.

Mental Stamina

Nurses are constantly required to operate at a high level of performance, as their job demands that they make crucial decisions in a timely manner. It is of utmost importance that nurses are able to prioritize their tasks effectively, without spreading themselves too thin. In order to prevent mental exhaustion, the following tips can prove to be quite useful:

Ensuring the safety of your patients is of utmost importance. By verifying the compatibility and protocols of medications, you can provide them with the best care possible. Your facilities resources are made accessible to support you in this mission. 


  • Voice concerns to your charge nurse.
  • Delegate appropriate tasks to techs.
  • Go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air. 
  • Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.

Provides aid and support in a frenzied and disorganized setting.

Emotional Stamina

As a nurse, building a positive relationship with patients can be quite challenging, particularly in high-pressure and stressful environments. It’s important to acknowledge that healthcare professionals may also experience psychosomatic symptoms as a result of their work. Dealing with loss and hostility can take a toll on one’s emotional well-being, and it’s crucial to keep that in mind.

  • Blackout curtains.
  • Listen to white noise.
  • Establish a sleep routine.
  • Stay active.
  • Find hobbies you enjoy.
  • Spend time with people and animals you love.
  • Consult with licensed professionals.
  • Set boundaries for your work and personal life.
  • Consider working less, changing shifts or transferring to a different department. 

Make it a habit to prioritize yourself. No matter what else is going on, always find a reason to practice self-love and preserve your energy.


The title of this post was inspired by a colleague.

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