The Secret to Your Dream Career

Being skilled at something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s your true calling. This blog post outlines the questions that helped me discover my true passion and find the career of my dreams. Read more to use them to find your calling too.

After graduating from nursing school, I decided to work in emergency nursing. Thanks to my previous healthcare experience and attention to detail, I found myself excelling in this field. My teammates, preceptors, and superiors constantly acknowledged my hard work, which motivated me to continue growing my skills and knowledge. However, I also realized that emergency nursing isn’t the only career path available to me. So, I started exploring other options and looking at everything as an investment in my future. By embracing the present and keeping an open mind, I have been able to explore opportunities I had never considered before.

Are you interested in pursuing a career in nursing, or are you already in nursing school or a clinical role? If so, you may be wondering how to determine if nursing is the right choice for you. To help you figure this out, I suggest asking yourself a series of questions to identify your passion.

What types of jobs are you searching for?

Although it may seem like a vague question, it can reveal what you’re looking for without you even realizing it.

For instance, I was always on the lookout for job positions that would enable me to work in a holistic or lifestyle medicine environment. My ideal responsibilities would involve helping people make positive lifestyle changes for their health. Specifically, I wanted a job that was remote and flexible. After several months of searching, I eventually found a career path I am now pursuing – Health and Wellness Nurse Coaching. This role ticks all the boxes for me, and it would allow me to regain control over my life. It was a massive decision for me, as I opted to pursue board certification in this role instead of enrolling in graduate school.

Please take a moment to envision your ideal position and create a list of all your wants and needs. This exercise will help you clarify your goals and bring you one step closer to achieving them.

It’s possible that you may realize your current career path isn’t what you’re looking for. One of the unique things about nursing is that it provides access to a variety of different positions. Our role in the healthcare industry is truly special, but it can also be overwhelming and exhausting over time. It’s perfectly fine for your interests and passions to evolve or shift. Give yourself permission to explore other possibilities. You can do this by brainstorming different scenarios, either verbally or in writing. After much self-reflection, I discovered my long-standing passion that had been right in front of me all along. Keep reading to find out the questions I asked myself to uncover it.

Discovering Happiness or Finding True Joy

The pursuit of happiness is a never-ending journey that we embark on every day.


Instead of searching for happiness in your job, find a job that you find fulfilling. When you feel fulfilled, happiness will come naturally.

Can one's success be determined by their wealth?

I suggest taking a moment to reflect on your relationship with money. What does money mean to you? Having a job that meets your financial needs and ensures you can pay your bills and stay afloat is essential. However, keeping money from being the sole determinant of your success is also vital. Instead, use it as a motivator to strive for success. If you want to achieve success, the next question you should ask yourself is listed below.

What does success mean to me?

It’s essential to prioritize your success, but don’t forget to tend to the things that define success for you. How will you know when you’ve achieved success?

Imagine the possibilities that can come to life with a visual representation of this scenario. Create a list and bring your vision to reality.

Success, to me, means having all my priorities in good standing. For me, my priorities are as follows: God, health, my relationship, family, and stable income. If each of these aspects is constantly being maintained, and I am content with how well they are functioning or being taken care of, I will know I have succeeded.

Take a moment to determine your priorities. Ask yourself what is important and why you work so hard.

How can you pay yourself back?

What kind of return do you aim to achieve on your investment? There is no investment better than investing in yourself. Invest your time and effort into your life to experience positive outcomes.

Have you considered what a positive outcome means to you?

Focusing on the positive aspects of a situation can help you see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Instead of looking for what you lack, focus on what you have and what you are striving to achieve.

You are accountable for your success. With determination, you can achieve anything.

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